Sexy, fun and challenging,
this hen party activity is the best way to get fit:
Book a Pole Class and you will learn the basic, but really impressive moves around the pole with a fully trained instructor that will lead you to have fun and challenge yourselves! Spins, tricks and your confidence to move your body and start your party in great style!
How it works
The class can admit between 8 and 12 people and will last between 60 and 90 minutes, depending on the number of participants. We have 1 settled professional pole (X-Pole, with safety certification), lights, sound system, some professional stuff for pole and…the groove! Bring a short fitness, sleeveless top and your will to have fun& get fit!
What to expect
The instructor will teach hot steps and spins, showing tricks to the participants. The girls will learn basic steps, but with amazing effect to show off their sexy and graceful abilities around the pole such as spins and steps like chair, fairy, hook, martini glass, etc. You will be ready to dance and mix up your new tricks to enchant! The top secret is that far from prying eyes your shyness vanishes in minutes and you all will laugh and end up crazy to show your new tricks to everyone!
Why not bundle with any other hen party activity and build your own package?
Or have a look at our most popular hen party packages